Raising Africa's vulnerable girls today, so they can lift their communities tomorrow!

Teammates for Life, Inc. exists to provide access to education and a hand up (not a handout) for children in impoverished countries especially the girl child without regard to religion, race, and ethnicity. 

We are dedicated to providing children and young adults opportunities to reach their potential by providing educational scholarships and instructional sports opportunities to enhance exposure, self-confidence and development of healthy leaders that will champion transformation of their communities tomorrow.

Million kids
drop out of school in Uganda
% girls drop out of school because of early marriage
0 +
% female labor force in Uganda

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We are here
to help!

+1 860 - 608 - 2668

what you can do

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Team Work

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It all starts with a passion, a care that stirs up your heart with feelings of desire to see others living a better life. Regardless of how little or insufficient you may think you are. There is a lot you can accomplish to make life better for others.
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what you can do

sponsor a child

what you can do

get involved

Would you like to sponsor a child? For a fee of only $300 per year ($100 per semester), a child is provided with education, immunizations, uniform, access to learning computer skills and sports instruction.
Sponsor A Child
something bigger

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something bigger

make a gift

Throughout the year we run into some challenges for example often we need basketball shoes, Basketballs, fixing broken community basketball courts, need for project materials etc. We relay on Gifts and donations of people like you to meet most of these needs
Make a Gift

What we do

We’re on a mission to transform impoverished Ugandan rural communities into self sustaining communities through ...


We aim to provide the best affordable education that prepares kids to enable them succeed as future leaders at home, and as global citizens.


Sports is an international language that even those without adequate education can understand. One of our goals is to provide basketball instruction and necessary equipment to young girls with hopes of encouraging them to stay in school and prevent early pregnancy


Teammates supports mentoring programs and talents development as opportunities for future self sustainability.



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